Dec 06, 2008 20:20
I just found myself posting to a friends page more that I expected.
It struck a nerve with the "Us and them" approach to events.
I have too many times in my life felt that I was on the outside of various groups wanting despreately to be allowed the sense of community that was part of belonging, only to be shunned as "Not thier kind".
Groups and Communities develop to provide insulation, protection, and "filter" outside events for it's members, reinforcing beliefs and goals. Ther is too much out there to encompass all of it, interests help focus on things that we determine to be important.
In general a "Good Thing", until it becomes that "We are better and you are Less", unfortunately a common by product.
Why is it that we, as human beings have this compulsion to label everything "Good and Bad"? what works for us is "Good" and what doesn't is "Bad", Differences are "Bad" as they somehow threaten us. Are we really that insecure?
Chickens will peck to death any chicken that is percieved to be different. Are we no better? Why if we are happy in our choices do we feel it's nessisary to denegrate other people's?
I am often amused by other people's beliefs or choices, many times I have sought to understand only to become hopelessly confused. The amusement is not a judgement of them, but more a realization that thier path is not for me.
It is strange, The world is becoming smaller and more diverse, while becoming more isolationist in it beliefs and groupings.
I feel alone, faced with too many choices, like a graduate picking a career, needing to belong somewhere but afraid of choosing badly. I've wandered through my life, and now I find I have no anchor. Religion, Marriage, Work, and other experiments have failed to give me structure that so many have found, I envy it, seeing it work for others.
Perhaps my time is yet to come.