Неделю назад я присоединился к толпам сверхизвестных блогеров Инстаграма, и посетил новейшую инсталляцию города Нью Йорка, многоэтажную чашу из лестниц под названием Vessel. Эта чрезвычайно фотогеничная штука открылась у нас в городе 15 марта, и за это время, думаю, только ленивый не сходил посмотреть на неё вблизи. По крайней мере в моих
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но шаверма - тоже пойдет )
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"When I was a student, I fell in love with an old discarded flight of wooden stairs outside a local building site. It caught my imagination and I loved that is was part furniture and part infrastructure. You could climb up stairs, jump on them, dance on them, get tired on them and then plonk yourself down on them,"
Никакого остова корабля не было.
The structure's name is a working title, noted in the TKA abbreviation, which means "Temporarily Known As". The structure owners have asked the public to give it a formal name and have a website devoted to naming it. One of the most discussed names on social media was "The Shawarma", after the cone-shaped meat popular on street carts.
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