apartment furniture, work, piss.

Feb 23, 2009 10:44

allllmmmoooosst done buying all the things to furnish our apartment. christina and i are now the proud owners of 42 inches of high definition gluttony. and we scored two brand new couches, even though our place only has real room for one of them. but rock and roll. maybe we'll put the love seat in our giant walk in closet JUST 'CAUSE WE CAN. probably not, though.

i'm super scared of being let go at work. don't really know why, i have no reason to be. i had my 90-day evaluation and everything went just fine and they just sent me my discount card in the mail (i bought drapes with it). but still, they've been letting people go for having 2 minutes of overtime on their paychecks, literally. they've taken away my third day off, so now i work 5 days a week. you're thinking, "more hours. you're totally safe at work.". well, fuck off. that's what you get for thinking, because i'm not getting any more hours. instead, i'm going in an hour later and leaving an hour earlier 5 days a week. but nobody wants to read about someone's job, so let's move on.

christina found my drawer full of bottles of urine. it's pretty cool, i think. there are bottles from 2 years ago or longer, some have turned completely black. some have a cement-like layer of sediment on the bottoms. well, long story short, she thinks i'm mentally insane now for reals. puh-lease. she listens to 98.5 and actually owns a kanye west cd, what does she know? another cool thing involving my piss getting me into trouble, her aunt read my latest myspace blog entry, about me peeing in my bathroom sink, and felt the need to call christina's parents and let her know she was dating a weirdo. and her parents actually confronted me about it. in front of strangers. at their church. umm, okay, now i know why they killed jesus. he probably had no social tact, either. what's weirder, peeing in a bathroom sink because your toilet is broken or lurking your niece's boyfriend on myspace WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE YOUR OWN ACCOUNT. if she wasn't fat and incapable of having children, i'd be flattered. oh shit, that was rude. i didn't mean to say that, aunt eva. but now i suppose you know what it's like to have people not minding their own business.

aiight, i'm gonna go skate now. later, dude(s).
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