Don't die of shock...

May 28, 2010 21:26

...but yes, I'm actually making an LJ entry that isn't a meme or anything like that! So, all 2 of you who aren't already snoozing as your eyes glaze over this page I'm just chatty for some reason tonight.

For those who aren't already her friends, g_shadowslayer lost her mom at the end of April. We headed up to NY and stayed for nearly a week to make sure everything got taken care of. Of course, to add insult to injury to the whole thing, Mother's Day was not too long after which just made things harder to deal with.

However, if I had the money, I think I would actually consider moving up Long Island way. I wouldn't live on the beach properties, but the whole area is pretty nice. It's sort of amazing how much things have changed in nearly 30 years (which was the last time I was up for an extended visit). A lot of trees you see in the DC area are cropping up there. Imported, I'm sure. It also is sorta sad because it sure shows the side effects of global warming on the whole. The Pine Barrens aren't quite so piney these days.

We went to both forks of LI, mainly looking for an actual sea/waterside fish restaurant to go to. Not to be had. However, we ended up in her old town and found a very nice place and got to watch the gulls and ducks have their fun as the sun set.

Since February, things have been going pretty steadily at work. No major surprises beyond one very big bad one. It doesn't affect me so much, but it's causing a lot of problems for g_shadowslayer's side of the office. They actually gave us an hour off today, which is something we've been getting more and more of since we switched locations in 2004. A slightly nicer agency, I guess. Of course, nothing like a certain agency (who knows who it is), who probably let their people go at noon (as usual). Must be nice.

One of the surprises this year, well, actually starting last year is the amount of books that I've been reading. Usually I'm a fairly sporadic reader, unless something really grabs my attention. It's all irreparable's fault. She gave me the first 3 Tremaire books and I just devoured them and starting picking up a bunch of other stuff. Also, the paperback releases of Turn Coat and Mean Streets kept me going. And Mean Streets introduced some other series I hadn't read. Loved them all, so I picked up more books. I'm definitely a fan of the detective-with-a-twist story. Angel detectives. Magic detectives. Etc. Am currently on the 2nd Remy Chandler novel and still have a pile to finish off.

TV-wise: Sorta sad to see "Heroes" go, but I'm not sure they could have done any justice to the "brave new world" concept, considering the mess they'd made of things previously. Hoping that if they do the wrap-up movie, they can get a good story out of it. Glad to see "Lost" end on such a well-spun note (I actually had figured that Hugo was going to end up in some position on the island. I had him figured more for the Richard role, though). There were a couple of obvious, we-had-to-write-on-the-run moments for the last few episodes of "Supernatural", but all-in-all, I liked most of the ending, except Dean heading off to play happy-home-boy. Sorry, it's not in his character. I expect to see him bored and unhappy at the beginning of next season. Really.

Right now things are pretty quiet for the most part, which is what I prefer. I like my excitement to be under my control - as in I tell it when it can be exciting. Then it may be as exciting as it wants to be.

I'm hungry.
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