Title: 'Girl in the Fireplace' Extended Promo
Description: Extended promo for Girl in the Fireplace, a season 2 episode of Doctor Who written by Steven Moffat. Clips and music copyright their original owners.
Edited by: Leviathan (myself)
Music: Holy by Immediate Music
Links: Download from
Neural Cluster. Streamed on
Neural Cluster.
Format & Size: 55 MB wmv zip, or streamed.
humansrsuperior ,
Jaidan Wolf
Girl in the Fireplace is one of my favorite episodes in Season 2 and this is my first attempt at an extended promo. I've wanted to do one for a while, and one that uses a lot of quotes. I got some tips and beta from Jaidan Wolf, one who makes trailers like a pro. Overall, I like how it turned out and hope to continue to make them for other parts of the DW series. Please comment if you enjoy it.