That favorite icon meme

Dec 05, 2008 18:54

Snurched from just about everyone...

Default Icon:

'cause I just can't seem to quit it. Made by me, from Bones, and it's a manip.

Oldest Icon:

made by hyacinthgirl_36 . That's one of my favorite funny scenes in Doctor Who, and I love the text effects she used so I haven't been able to delete it.

Newest Icon:

made by phoenix_cry. Iv'e seen it around and it's extremely pretty. The text makes it 10x better too!

Saddest Icon:

made by typoed. No contest. My dear Fred. :(

Happiest Icon:

made by cowboyhd.

Angriest Icon:

made by me. I don't really have that many angry icons, as I mostly post when I'm happy.

Cutest Icon:

It's a tie:

made by seether_79 and me, respectfully.

Sexiest Icon:

I have to CHOOSE? I don't know how but I got it down to three. Seriously, I shouldn't have to choose between sexy and sexy. ;)

made by feinieliii and myself. Guh.

Most Humorous Icon:

I still laugh at Booth checking himself out. Hee!

Favorite Ship Icon:

made by jetgirl78. I adore that extended kiss!

Icon I Use the Most (apart from default):

made by alinoue. I adore the look on her face. It's almost like she's whispering in his ear. That or blowing. ;)

Favorite Overall:

Okay... um. I got it down to two favorites. Just too difficult to choose one from out of 105.

How many icons do you have total?

How many can you have?

If you could buy space for more, would you?
Yes, and I'll probably have to do that very soon!

Do your icons make a statement about you?
Most definitely! I'm afraid to even think about what it could be, though.

What fandom do you have the most icons out of?
Bones iwith 39.

The second most?
BtVS and Angel the series are tied with 23 each.

What ship do you have the most icons of?
Booth/Brennan with 15.

How do you categorize your icons?
Fandom first, then ship if any, then a couple of words to describe what they're doing.

Are your icons mostly made by other users?
Yes I snurch when I can, and I make when I have creative energy. :)

Animated icons are..
totally awesome when done right.

In general, I think icons...
are very artistic and a fun way to spend some extra time.


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