Title: Someday We'll Know
Description: Landon and Jamie, the popular boy and the outcast girl - their strength, their changes, their heartache, their love. This is the way I see it, using the fabulous duet by Mandy Moore and Jonathan Foreman, titled 'Someday We'll Know'.
Edited by: Leviathan (myself)
Music: Someday We'll Know by Mandy Moore and
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But by far my favorite part of the film is seeing Landon change dramatically just because of Jamie's influence.
Anyway I'm so glad that you gave it a watch and left me some nice words here and at TF. Thank you! I don't know if I'll be jumping back into vidding more. I guess it just depends on if a song takes a hold of me like this one did. Also, RL (my kids) need me badly lately and they always take priority. Vidding just doesn't happen as much as I'd like it to.
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