How many times has someone on your friends lis tposted about something and you were really confused, but you didn' twant to ask because you knew you SHOULD know? How many times have you felt 'guilty' asking a close LJ friend a question that should be obvious?
Well, here's your chance.
If you've missed a few things, missed an entry and are confused
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We are together. We really had a rough time adjusting to parenthood, but have remained best friends even through the times that we were not sure of the relationship. Being so young, and having a very unplanned kid is just very hard. I wouldn't trade Layne for anything, but it has been a bumpy ride during the adjustment. This one was very unplanned too, but not so traumatic to US, just me. Just in the physical aspect of it all, I was very much so not ready. But at the same time, it will be nice to be done with this all so early. Dylan has agreed to get snipped, and I am very happy about that. haha It would be nice to be able to be together and not worry what was going to fail on us next. ;D
But thanks for asking. I realize I do not really update this regularly. I kind of left how I had been feeling towards Dylan kind of hanging. At the peak of are issues, I was also pregnant and unaware. The hormones from that alone caused alot of problems before I realized.
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