Moving, and other tidbits.

Oct 25, 2005 12:04

Well, we are all moved. I am so happy for it to be over with, but at the same time I miss the place already. Beyond my not enjoying living with my mother... It was the first place we lived as a family, where I gave birth to my son, and Layne's first bedroom.

It was a stressful move with all of the stuff going to FOUR different places. My stuff to my moms, and storage. Dylans stuff to his brothers and storing some stuff at his moms. Just so much driving. To top it off, my car battery died after I had loaded it all up. We fixed it yesterday, and after moving the PIANO across town, we were finally done. All we had left to do was an elaborate switcheroo to get everyone in the right cars and back home. I saw rest in the distance, and all was good.

But no..
That would just be too easy.

I was was waiting for Dylan to pick me up to do the final leg of the switch, and I accidently locked myself out of the house. He was on his way, not a big deal, right? Wrong. He misunderstood the plan and forgot I still had to go out to his moms to get Layne. So..over an hour later, I was finally in a semi warm car.

On my way to pick up Layne from his grandma's, a very large deer jumped out infront of me on 33. The poor thing looked like it exploded. Blood and feces is all over my car. I can hardly get in the door, it will only open a little bit. I know I am lucky and should be counting my little lucky stars. He went completely over the car rather than hitting the windshield and the car is still "driveable".

I think this damn car is just fated to not be operable. Seriously.
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