Nano:Third week results.

Nov 22, 2012 02:14

One of my private students often mutters happily/angrily (to himself, rather than to me, I think):It seems to be done on porpoise! [When the circumstances seem to be on his favor or no] Having in consideration what dates I have for exams and how..."light" is this year November's for me (the tests I will be taking are vendettas of the ones I failed on July/August), I could just imitate him because I wrote my papers already and since I didn't have an absence day up to a week ago, I can stay to try to fulfill what it's left from my [attempt of] Nano.

Boys are so cruel
So don't let them find you...tonight
And girls are so vain
So put them behind you...tonight

I'll cast you a spell
Which will make everyone plays dead forever
And after tonight
They'll never remind you...
~Birthday massacre~

lena, nano:count, status quo, bleh, nano:2012

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