
Feb 11, 2012 11:12

I can see the day in which this comes out and I'm not interested in the fandom anymore.Like I bet it's happening if Akane ever finishes Infection someday. And I truly loved Poisoned to death!*It counts as the first visual novel/doushinji game that I played and I also took it as canon when I entered into DN fandom.Lena knows:Risky, but I can't help when I'm in love.I don't really care about the characters gender (at least not when canon has so many -or only?-female leads with strong personalities) but I must say that fanart of Madoka's cast as males is candy for my yaoi fangirl eyes.Maybe I wouldn't mind if Madoka was also a guy in this a.u. or on the other hand,she was the guy in an harem game with all the other girls as heroines with different routes.Specially if Homura has the main one.However, Lena is enough excited with this project to feel anxiety ;_;  *pokes author*  
*If that EVER happens, I'm downloading it, of course and playing at least one route, as official farewell to my old love ;_____; 
*fluffy and angsty music as background*

lena, fangirl!lena, fanboy!len

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