Dec 29, 2004 21:09
Hello to the small amount of people that read this (which is probley like1or 2) well any ways today stuff happend
well lets start off with last night at around 4:11 pm my power in my house went out it was werid but yea the grid black out finaly ended this moring at 9 am i mena come on thats like over 12 hours in tha drak well yea so i tought ok my day is kinda crapy but it will get better
And it did for a little while i went out to dinner with my cousins we went to sushi and had a balst oredering more than we can eatand my cousins sammy well lets just say after 3 glasses of wine a bud wiser(thats before we went to get suhsi) and 6shots of saki he was kinda drunk or at least tipsy but he wasnt driveing it was my sister. so we droped them back of at there house my parnets went with there mom and dad. and said good buy then on the way home the un thinkable happend.......
I was in my second car acciendt
This time a drunk driver( in a red rental kia) slamed into my sister but it was luck that my sister avoided the car infront of her and i tell u in that second i didnt what would happen..... well in the end every one is ok expect for the cars but he will pay for that and yea but mentaly im not i hate shock form things like this you know but it makes me feel if i had died would anyone of cared??? i have no clue but ill try to get over it.......