Jan 30, 2007 19:12

Bridget's got the ability to magically transfer the flu to someone (Todd in this case) by staring them down. She doesn't give him the flu when they make out, oh no. Just when she's staring at him with her I-Will-Make-You-Sick trance eyes.

Seriously, all of the Gen 10 kids just like to be read to. 24 flipping 7.

Everyone keeps waking up in the middle of the night to have coughing fits. GTFO FLU.

Uh-oh, Camden's a baby daddy.

...GTFO, flu! You are not welcome here!

That could be construed as creepy, Caleigh.

The headmaster came over because ZOMG THE KIDZ HAVE TO GO TO PRIVATE SCHOOLLLL IT'S ALL EVERYONE WANTS IN LIFE. Damn, sims are stupid.

Caleigh, being Caleigh, immediately starts schmoozing it up without me telling her to. The headmaster got pissed at whatever she said. Way to go, girl.

Unfortunately, since the family's food slaves Corinne and Cody were at work, the headmaster got a nice serving of Hambergeurre a la Brigitte. Claaaaaassy!

Um, oh my fucking ew. She's your great-great-grandma, Cody! Why do all male sims go ga-ga over Lilly's ghost?

Caleigh tried to go chat up the headmaster again, but thankfully Lilly intercepted before she could do any serious damage.

The kids got into private school with just under three seconds left. It was INTENSE. Cody saved the day!

The Levesques got a new toy. They're sort of obsessed with it. Unfortunately for my poor bleeding ears, Caleigh and Camden do not know how to rock out. Does anyone happen to have a large supply of pencils? Please send then to me so I can slam them repeatedly into my eardrums.

See? Claire agrees!

Corinne remains the best sim singer I have ever heard. Cody, not so much. I thought it must have something to do with creativity since Corinne was so good at it, but Cody has his maxed too and he still sounds gross. Huh.

Gretchen's birthday!

She looked really funny with her glasses. She's cute, but she was cuter as a kid. Really, though, how could you beat this?

This is the face Claire makes when I tell her to sleep in the same bed as Gretchen. They have a 100/100 relationship.

And this is the face Camden makes when told to sleep in the same bed as his twin sister. *eyeroll*

It might be because all Sister the Perv wants to do is tell him dirty jokes ALL THE DAMN TIME. This pisses him off and makes their relationship go down.

Very mature, you guys.

Gretchen, get away from her. She's having a bad influence on you.

Jordan's birthday.

Blah, he bores me. He doesn't do anything. And he looks like Claire's Only Friend. Whose name is Curtis, by the way.

Corinne had a birthday when she got home from work, too.

She's totally owning the geriatric style. You go girl.

Caleigh is having a breakdown because the ghosts won't leave her alone. Haha.

Jess continues to be lazy enough to eat days old food instead of, you know, making a new damn bowl of cereal. Surprisingly, he hasn't come down with food poisoning yet.

Claire got her very first A. Her very first anything above a C, actually.

She was quite excited.

Bridget painted this creepy shit and it sold as a masterpiece. Gross. Corinne's masterpiece that she made when she was like, 5 was miles better than this.

Camden's been trying to score with the ladies and not having much luck.

I swear to God, they are the town gossips.

Their gossip session was cut short by Grim. Cody died at the ripe old age of 84, not quite beating out Hannah as the Most Ancient Levesque Ever. He contributed a platinum grave, raising the grand total to... ...five. Six if you count the grave that Karine SHOULD have gotten for achieving her LTW! *bitter*

What is wrong with this picture? I would make a joke about bondage and the hula girls, but it is highly inappropriate at this time.

Camden, who just got home from work, is oblivious to the fact that his grandpa just died. "Hi Mom! :D :D"

Corinne plopped right into aspirational failure, because Cody was her favorite person ever. I felt pretty bad. I don't think I've ever had a sim parent and child closer than they were.

Jess grew up, too. No one cared. At least, I sure as hell didn't.

We all have ways of coping. Corinne's is clawing her own eyes out of their sockets.

Apparently, this situation brings back memories of Bridget's touch with death. Touch? Somehow, that's not an appropriate word. More like full-frontal collision.

Caleigh got her first kiss.

And Camden.. is still working on it, poor guy. Tha ladiez don' love him.

Every time I see Claire and Curtis getting touchy-feely I think it's Claire and Jordan at first, haha.

Gretchen is just happy to be handing out noogies to everyone and their mother.

Claire really likes the karaoke machine. She gets down with her bad self nightly.

With Cody gone, Corinne needs a new gossip buddy. Apparently Camden is filling the role.

Then Todd died.

Grim looks down, shaking his head, and wonders what the fuck kind of retard manages to starve themselves while holding a plate of spaghetti.

Bridget was making this face. Alright.

That's better. Note Jordan eating his spaghetti like nothing is happening.

And Corinne? She's making drinks, even though Todd is one of her best friends.

Bridget beat the Reaper.

Gretchen never wears clothes. Even when I tell her to put on her normal clothes, she somehow manages to be in her underwear 24/7.

Something tells me he's not listening.

Cuh-lay-ireee had a birthday.

She's even prettier than she was as a teen.

She celebrates by... you guessed it. Getting down with her bad self.

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I tried to update the family tree, but it's too big for photobucket. Blah.
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