Time for the fun!

Oct 10, 2013 08:02

Sign Ups: October 10, 2013 - October 31, 2013
Assignments Mailed: November 1, 2013
Confirmation Emails Sent December 15, 2013 (this is the point where you confirm that you are on target to finish)
Due Date December 24, 2013
Reveals Start: December 25, 2013 ( Read more... )

*sign ups, *schedule, *admin

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yanzadracan October 10 2013, 15:09:43 UTC
Name: YanzaDracan
Email: PaulaNiht at gmail.com
I prefer to receive (vid/fic/art): any
I prefer to give (vid/fic/art): fic

My genre preferences (gen, het, m/m, f/f): m/m or threesome
My preferred gift would have the following (big-picture general stuff like kittens, happy endings, first kisses, etc.): Happy or hopeful endings with no dangling story lines. Crossovers...fusion, but with original story line

Favorite characters: Eliot, Parker, Quinn, Hardison Nate, Sophie, Sterling, Maggie, Tara
Favorite pairings: Eliot/Quinn, Eliot/Parker/Hardison, or Eliot/crossover character.

Deal Breakers (This is what you do not want in your gift...please be honest!): non-con unless it's in the past, dub-con, extreme BDSM, watersports, mpreg, de-aging, genderswap, crack, The TV show Psych, slave fic.

List three to five prompts (This is optional, but please be kind to your gifter - "I'll be happy with anything" is the leading cause of anxiety attacks in Exchange participants to date even if it's true):

1: Eliot: "We be the Calvary, ma'am." Grant Ward, Agents of SHIELD: "Ever heard rumors of the Calvary?" Melinda May: "I told you not to call me that." Skye's betrayal comes to light and Maria has to call 'The Calvary'.

2. First job for "Leverage International" after "The Long Goodbye."

3. Maggie & Sterling get married and are living happily ever after with Olivia when Sterling disappears. Maggie calls the only retrieval specialist she knows.

4. After "The Low Low Price Job". What happens when the door opens to Eliot on the porch with a six pack.

5. Retirement...Leverage style.

Right now telaryn will be doing all the mod gifts. This is your space to either state something you would like to receive as your mod gift, or confirm that you are happy with me trolling your prompts for something that looks fun.

The mods always give the best stuff, so have a ball!

My preference for giving is (fic/vid/graphics/fanmix/etc): fic

If necessary, I can also:

Genres I can write in (gen, het, m/m, f/f): gen, het, m/m, will take a stab at f/f if need be.
Characters I can work with: Any, but prefer Eliot, Quinn, Parker & Hardison.
Pairings I can work with: Any, though I've never written Eliot/Sophie.

Things I absolutely, positively cannot do: Refer to Deal Breakers

Any other things we forgot to ask or you forgot to include. Nope


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