2010 Leverage Gift Exchange Signup Post

Apr 05, 2010 18:00

EDIT: Saturday, 17 April. Signups are now closed. However, you are still welcome to sign up to be a pinch hitter. Assignments will be emailed sometime in the next two days.

Hello, by signing up for the 2010 Leverage Gift Exchange, you are agreeing to provide a gift in exchange for receiving one. You're also agreeing to have all sorts of fun whiling ( Read more... )

*sign ups, *mod post

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sheryden April 5 2010, 22:34:37 UTC
Name: sheryden
Contact email: frustratedauthor@gmail.com
Over 18? Yep

I prefer to receive: Fic
Genre (gen, het, m/m, f/f): m/m, het, gen
Characters/pairings: Eliot/Parker, Eliot/Nate, or Eliot-centric
Ratings: Doesn't matter. Any rating.
_______ is to you like money is to Parker: Angst
I absolutely do not like: Mpreg or non-con
Any die-hard squicks: I'm not a big fan of over-the-top-kink or non-con.

List around 5 prompts for consideration (Optional - but you will probably make the process a lot easier for your gifter.):

1. Eliot showing some vulnerability
2. Medals
3. Something broken
4. Late-night phone call
5. Rain


I can give (fic/art/graphics/vid): Fic
Genre (gen, het, m/m, f/f - please specify all you are capable/willing to do): m/m, gen, het
What can you do? (The broader, the better. Please bear in mind the fandom is not that big and it may be difficult to match you exactly.) Eliot-centric, Eliot/Nate, Eliot/Parker, I could give Eliot/Hardison or Eliot/Sophie a shot. I could probably give most pairings a shot, actually. Except for Nate/Sophie or f/f (because I don't like any of the available f/f pairings for the show). As far as ratings, I could write G, PG, PG-13, or R.

What can you definitely not do? Over-the-top kink, nothing over R, no Nate/Sophie or f/f.


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