2010 Leverage Gift Exchange Signup Post

Apr 05, 2010 18:00

EDIT: Saturday, 17 April. Signups are now closed. However, you are still welcome to sign up to be a pinch hitter. Assignments will be emailed sometime in the next two days.

Hello, by signing up for the 2010 Leverage Gift Exchange, you are agreeing to provide a gift in exchange for receiving one. You're also agreeing to have all sorts of fun whiling ( Read more... )

*sign ups, *mod post

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celtic_flicka April 5 2010, 18:28:28 UTC
Name: celtic_flicka
Contact email: mnijtnc@yahoo.com
Over 18? A lot, yes. :)

I prefer to receive:
Genre (gen, het, m/m, f/f): Gen or het
Characters/pairings: I only ship Parker/Hardison, but I adore all of the characters, so include any or all.
Ratings: Any

__Gen or het fic_____ is to me like money is to Parker:

I absolutely do not like: Slash or PWP

Any die-hard squicks: Please don't kill any of the main Leverage team! Also, a little angst is OK, but nothing TOO dark.

List around 5 prompts for consideration (Optional - but you will probably make the process a lot easier for your gifter.): Parker, Eliot, or Hardison has to run a con (in other words, take the role that Nate usually does); Eliot, Parker, and Hardison hang out on a night off; Eliot and Hardison end up in a life-threatening situation and Eliot reveals some of his backstory... but those are just some ideas. If the writer has a different idea, feel free to go with it!


I can give (fic/art/graphics/vid): FIC!
Genre (gen, het, m/m, f/f - please specify all you are capable/willing to do): Gen or het
What can you do? (The broader, the better. Please bear in mind the fandom is not that big and it may be difficult to match you exactly.) Eliot, Parker, and Hardison are my favorites, but I can write Nate and Sophie too. AU, canon, or post-series.

What can you definitely not do? No PWP, nothing too dark and twisted, and I don't want any of the main 5 to die. No pre-series.


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