Traceroute of a Retrieval Specialist

Jul 20, 2009 13:06

Title: Traceroute of a Retrieval Specialist
Author/Artist: facetofcathy
Giftee: carinascott
Pairing: Alec/Eliot
Rating: R

Wordcount: 2,600 words

NOTE: Spoilers for Season 2, Episode 1

Summary: This is the story of how Eliot got from there to here.

A/N: It has been my pleasure to pinch-hit for this exchange. I very obliquely used one of carinascott's prompts, and I hope she enjoys the story. I took advantage of my late start to base this story around the first episode of season 2.

The story is available at Livejournal, Dreamwidth and The AO³. Comments are open at all locations.
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