Here we go...

Oct 01, 2014 04:23


Sign Ups: October 1, 2014 - October 15, 2014
Assignments Mailed: October 20, 2013
Confirmation Emails Sent December 15, 2014 (this is the point where you confirm that you are on target to finish)
Due Date December 24, 2014
Reveals Start: December 25, 2014

We're making some pretty big changes this year, but fleurlb and I decided that if we were going to keep things fresh and interesting around here it was probably past time to evolve.

To that end, the following changes are effective immediately:

1. You no longer have to have an LJ or be a member of this community to participate. You do have to be able to login to the site so you can fill in the application; this is still the only sign up point.
2. Submissions will no longer be made to this moderation queue, but instead to the Leverage Secret Santa Exchange Collection on Links will be posted here to the stories.
3. All submissions will be mirrored on Tumblr.
4. We are going to try being an anonymouse exchange this year. This means that no one will know who made their gift (except the person who made it of course) until all the gifts have been revealed.

I prefer to receive (vid/fic/art):
I prefer to give (vid/fic/art):

My genre preferences (gen, het, m/m, f/f):
My preferred gift would have the following (big-picture general stuff like kittens, happy endings, first kisses, etc.):

Favorite characters:
Favorite pairings:

Things I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT in my gift (this is also the place to list any triggers you want us to be aware of):

List three to five prompts (This is optional, but please be kind to your gifter - "I'll be happy with anything" is the leading cause of anxiety attacks in Exchange participants to date even if it's true):

telaryn will be doing all the mod gifts again. This is your space to either state something you would like to receive as your mod gift, or confirm that you are happy with me trolling your prompts for something that looks fun.

My preference for giving is (fic/vid/graphics/fanmix/etc):

If necessary, I can also:

Genres I can write in (gen, het, m/m, f/f):
Characters I can work with:
Pairings I can work with:

Things I absolutely, positively cannot do:

Any other things we forgot to ask or you forgot to include...

Now that you've agreed to play, please stop by our banner post and grab some graphics to help you spread the word that we're here and we're ready to have an epic good time!

*sign ups, *mod post, *schedule, *information, *admin, *announcement, *rules

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