Title: Murder Most Foul
Author: Oncidium
Archive: None right now
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Christian Kane/ Steve Carlson
Characters: Christian Kane, Steve Carlson
Category: Steve POV. Humour. Crack. Crack humour. Purile humour with potty humour. Yes, I am this juvenile, blame my parents.
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Uhhhhh
Feedback: Keeps the plot weasel fed
Disclaimer: No money, no profit and all I have to my name are several out-dated computers and a ferret named Nairi. No offense meant to Mr Christian Kane, who, in reality, I am sure is a complete delight in the bathroom after beer and Jack
Summary: Christian Kane is kinda... uh... have you been around people after they've been to the bar who need to use the facilities???
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