Title: Uninhibited Journeys
Author: Sapphire Smoke [
Fandom: Leverage
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Parker/Sophie (slight Eliot/Hardison)
Length Thus Far: 13,430 words
Spoilers: None
Summary: The team takes a vacation to congratulate themselves on the start of a successful business, and Parker makes it her mission to have Sophie loosen up a little while there.
Feedback: Give it to me, baby ;]
Story Notes: This will be crossposted in any other Leverage fanfiction community, but the entire thing will be written in my journal, and the links to each chapter will take you to the specific cut tag in the journal so you won't get lost trying to continue. It's supposed to a be a light and funny story, but I'm sure with me I'll end up throwing some damn angst in it, like always. Enjoy!
Follow The Fake Cut To Chapter Nine )