Fic: The Real First Contact Job (Leverage/Men in Black crossover)

Nov 22, 2013 16:35

Title: The Real First Contact Job
Author: seraphina_snape
Rating: Teen/PG-13
Pairings: Gen/Canon pairings (with maybe past Eliot/Jay and future OT3-ness if you squint and shake the laptop a little)
Genre: Crossover, action, gen/het
Summary: The team has a couple of clients with a fantastical story, Parker has a secret and Agent Jay from the MIB still looks way better than anyone else in that suit.
Word Count: ~ 10k
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine.
Notes: Written for a challenge @ leverageland. This has no actual relation to the episode "The First Contact Job". It could be set at any time during season 5 before the finale. Thank you to irishjeeper for the beta work!

Read it on LJ or on AO3

parker/hardison, hardison, fic, nate/sophie, nate, sophie, eliot, fanfiction, parker, crossover

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