The Road Trip Job: Fanfic by Langstonlover

Jul 21, 2013 13:08

Title: The Road Trip Job
Author: langstonlover
Fandom: Leverage
Pairings: Sophie/Nate, + Eliot, Hardison, and Parker
Warnings: None
Rating: PG
Summary: Instead of taking a plane to get to their next job, the team is forced to take a cross country road trip in Lucille, and a long time trapped in a van together isn't very good for any family Lol.

(This is an AU that takes place at the end of season five if the team would've stayed together.)

The trip there was always the hardest part of any job. Never once had they had a peaceful journey, but this one by far was the worst one they'd ever had. Normally they took a plane to get to wherever it was they needed to go, but this time they were traveling across the country in Lucille, and even though it was a pretty big van, five people take up a lot of space, so they were short on room.
"Parker!" Eliot growled. "Get your elbow out of my side!" "Get your side out of my elbow!" Parker snapped back in a high pitched mocking voice. "You're a psychopath! You know that!" Eliot snapped back. "Well You're just a big ole' grouch!" Parker replied, sticking her tongue out at the hitter. "Seriously?" Eliot asked. "What are you, five?" "I could ask you the same thing....." Hardison mumbled under his breath.
"What Did You Say Hardison!?" Eliot shouted. Hardison put his hands up in surrender. "Hey, man, calm down." He said. "I didn't say nothin'." "Well That Ain't What It Sounded Like!" Eliot snapped, raising up like he was going to attack Hardison. "Hey! Knock It Off Back There! Or I'll Turn This Damned Van Around!" Nate shouted at the three of them from the driver's seat. "Parker Started It!" Eliot said firmly. "I Did Not!" Parker wined. "It Was Hardison!" "What!?" Hardison shouted in shock. "Parker I thought we were on the same side!?" "Fine.." Parker said. "Then It Was Eliot!" She shouted, pushing her finger into up to the Hitter's face.
"Get your damned finger out of my face, Parker!" Eliot shouted. "Enough!" Nate shouted, breaking it up yet again. "Don't Make Me Have To Come Back There!" "Ow! Parker Stop Poking Me!" Eliot shouted. "Get Your Foot Out Of My Face Parker!" Hardison complained. "You Two Are Babies!" Parker snapped. "THAT'S IT!!!" Sophie shouted, turning around in her seat. "NATE PULL OVER!!!"
Nate didn't want to anger Sophie anymore than she already was, so he quickly pulled the van to the side of the road. "Sophie honey,..." Nate tried to stop her. "Please try not to yell...remember it isn't good for the baby...." "Shut Up Nate!!" She snapped and got out of the van. She then opened up the side door to where the other three were sitting and began to release her anger.
"I HAVE TRIED TO KEEP OUT OF THIS BUT YOU THREE HAVE LEFT ME NO CHOICE!!!" She shouted. Everyone in the van, including Nate, froze in fear. "EVER SINCE WE LEFT PORTLAND YOU'VE ALL BEEN ARGUING AND FIGHTING AND ACTING SO IMMATURE, AND IT'S DRIVING ME INSANE!!!" Hardison gulped, Parker his behind the boys, even big tough Eliot's heart was thumping out of his chest in fear. "NOW IF YOU THREE WANT TO ACT LIKE CHILDREN, THEN I'LL TREAT YOU LIKE CHILDREN!" Sophie shouted. "ELIOT, IM BANNING YOU FROM COOKING FOR A WEEK!" She yelled at the hitter. "PARKER YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO STEAL ANYTHING FOR YOURSELF ON THIS JOB!" She screamed at the thief.
"AND HARDISON!" She yelled at the hacker. "NO VIDEO GAMES FOR A WEEK!" Hardison's eyes went wide. "Whoa Whoa Whoa..." He protested. "Let's not do anything crazy here..." Sophie glared at him. "DO YOU WANNA GO FOR TWO WEEKS HARDISON!?" She asked, daring him to say anything else. Hardison shook his head. "No Ma'm." He said, gulping in fear as he sat back in his seat. "Good..." Sophie said, finally calming down. "Now I'd better not hear a word out of any of you for the rest of the trip! Understood?" She asked.
They all three nodded. "Good." She said, shutting the side door and getting back into the passenger seat next to her husband. She rested a hand on her pregnant belly and breathed a long sigh of relief. "Let's go Nate." She whispered, laying back in her seat. Nate sighed and started up the van again. He then turned back onto the highway and they were off on their cross country journey once again. As they were getting back on the road, Sophie suddenly raised up in her chair. "Nate..." She said. "We need to stop." Nate looked down at the fuel gage.
"You're right. Looks like we're almost out of gas...." He said. "Where do you want me to stop?" "A Hospital!" Sophie yelped. Nate looked over at her, nervous of why she had said that. "Why?" He asked, nervously. "Because the baby's coming!" Sophie told him.

eliot, hardison, parker, nate/sophie, nate, sophie

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