Title: Age(s) of the Geek, part 5.
Genre: gen AU; crossover with Supernatural.
Rating / Warnings: R for angst, non-graphic violence, and off-screen minor character death.
Word count: 6,300 words.
Spoilers: pre-canon for Leverage, so no spoilers. Major spoilers for seasons 1 and 2 of Supernatural, and minor spoilers for season 7 of Buffy.
Summary: Alec's been having strange dreams for months; now a shadowy figure is stalking him. And when he starts investigating his own mysterious origins, things get even worse.
Author's notes: this is the fifth in my series of interconnected Leverage crossovers, all focusing on Alec Hardison and his encounters with fellow geeks from various TV shows. I'm not quite done with this 'verse yet, though; there's still an epilogue to come.
This story can be read independently, but it'll make far more sense if you read the previous parts first:
Part 1 (Buffy crossover)
Part 2 (Veronica Mars crossover)
Part 3 (Doctor Who crossover)
Part 4 (Heroes and White Collar crossover)
Read part 5 at my journal.