Title: Remembered
koryouFandom: Leverage
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Eliot/Sophie, Parker/Sophie (friendship/UST/dash of femslash), mentions of Parker/Hardison (mostly UST)
Word Length (this part only): 9,354 words
Total Word Length: 26,997 words
Timeline: Starts right after its predecessor
Forgotten, going through 2.01-2.09 (sticking to canon! yes I'm proud of myself for that), and then my perception by what happens after 2.09
Summary: Sophie can't stop thinking about what happened that night, but what scares her more is that it wasn't the act she can't stop thinking about... it's him.
A/N: Just so everyone is aware, this fic officially stamped my status as a Leverage fanfic slave. "Forgotten" was supposed to be a one time only show, but I got begged, and then I figured out a way to make it work with canon and got myself excited. Ha. Oh, also, I kind of just made Tara my own, since we really don't know anything about her real personality yet. And I have to brag that I wrote the first 20,000 words of this story in one sitting. Yay me. -slave, seriously-
Warning: Kinky, of course. Apparently Eliot/Sophie screams kink to me. Involves rape fetishes (not the really scary kind), pegging, watersports. Lord, someone stop me. Ha. Though there is kink, I will say that there's a lot of humor and heart and all that mushy crap you all beg me to write too. LOL.
PART 1/3 )