Title: Forgotten
cuzimastripperFandom: Leverage
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Eliot/Sophie
Length: 7,140 words
Prompt: Eliot/Sophie, angsty, one-time, no strings attached sex; Eliot wants to forgive her and Sophie just wants to forget. (Right around The First David Job and Second David job time frame) over at
smallfandomfestWarning: This is dirty, angsty, rough, angry, bordering on abusive sex, just so you all are aware. Very kink. Don’t read if it’s not your thing. If it’s any consolation… it didn’t start out that way. Ha. My mind just likes to wander to places filled lovely unconventional fetishes sometimes.
Neither of them knew how they got here. Eliot’s sure to tell you that it’s Sophie’s fault; her and her goddamn inability to admit full out that she was wrong, that she’s sorry for being a selfish manipulative prick. Sophie will tell you that it’s Eliot’s fault; for him not leaving it be and just letting things rest. They’ll both tell you that they were angry, that there were words; loud, brash, and full of frustration. They’ll admit things were broken in the process of them putting things behind them; the lamp, the plaster, the fuckin’ coffee table. They’ll say it’s cause of their tempers, their lack of control when things get too out of hand.... But they won’t ever speak a word about this. )