At first I just wanted you to porn Wash/Kaylee... But now I really just want you to porn Wash/James.
There's too much about this I could pick out. I love Zoe and Mal's "Hell yeah!" looks. And the Wash/Kaylee (porn them now?). Balloon condoms made me laugh but Zoe dissolving into giggles over it is even better.
Great fic!
And you did it so FAST! Thank you again for doing this!
I'm glad you enjoyed it! It was fun to write, which is why I managed to do it fairly quickly. And I know James would have liked me to porn him and Wash too. :) The Washathon prompts have prodded me into trying to write fic porning Wash and Mal, and Wash and Simon, so I'm *really* grateful to you for facilitating a venue which has pushed my boundaries.
And I'm glad you liked the little Zoe moments, both with Mal and with Wash. I'm so into her, and the dynamics she has with her men.
Thank you! I kinda feel bad for James now, that he missed out on the porn. But I guess no one really got porn in this fic. I'll have to do better next time. :)
Oh my god, James, ahaha. He was either super over-eager to please his company's customers or he just flat out found Wash pleasing. ;D And let's be real, it was the latter - who doesn't? :P I was amused. XD
Oooo! Thank you so, so much, this was great!! <3 And extraordinarily inventive, too! I'd figured you'd take a pre-W/Z relationship moment in time for this fic, since it's so hard to imagine a circumstance in which W/K would happen otherwise - but you sure surprised me and ahhh damn, fantastic caper! All your technobabble sounded so authoritative, I loved every minute of it, and Mal's thought about his tech team rescuing him made me melty. XD The condom balloons gave me giggles, much like Zoe's. And uhm, the ending... *fans self* Delicious. [/incoherent babbling of glee]
Maybe I should have tried for something pre-W/Z. The interactions between Wash and Kaylee are some of my favorite scenes in Firefly. Like the whole finding and restoring the ambulance scenes in Ariel. But I wanted Wash to get into a little trouble with the Zoe-jealousy thing you mentioned, and I figured unless she felt she had some claim on him, she wouldn't act on any, um, irritation she might feel about Wash and Kaylee maybe fooling around.
I'm pleased you like the caper. It was fun to put together. I run a Serenity role playing game, and those are the kind of scenarios I like to throw at my players. They never run smooth for them either. :D
Thanks for the great prompt! I had a great time figuring out how to put all the elements together.
“Is this part of the cunning plan? 'Cuz we don't wanna mess anything up if it is. But if it ain't, would you mind so much if we rescued you?”
More wanting to hug. And a little bit to kiss.
“Well, I'm sure you did the best you could, little Kaylee,” Mal said encouragingly, then settled back in his chair, wrapping his head around the fact he was being rescued by his tech crew. Decided to relax and enjoy it.
Tech talk. Guh. GUH.
“Sure. No problem.” And Wash was talking in that creepifyin' calm, cool voice, the one that let you know that if even the tiniest little thing went wrong, you were a smear of organic molecules fizzling in the troposphere. “If you hit it at precisely the right angle.”
I adore that bit of characterization.
Ah, well. So much for the manly, hero-like points he might have gleaned with the whole stealing the skiff thing. “Balloons,” he affirmed. “We flew them around the room.” He waggled his hand, waving the wrapper, buzzing his lips with the “released balloon” flutter.Even though I really dig the idea of Wash/
( ... )
Wow, if you want to come up with an alternate version, that would be great! It could lead to all sorts of hotness and drama. It's true that I see Wash and Kaylee as people who would have a real hard time doing something that they know might hurt someone. But I did set this at a time when the W/Z relationship was really new, and kinda unsettled. And Wash and Kaylee are both comfortable with the notion that sex can be just another way to have fun. A *lot* of fun. I think Wash, before Zoe, has an intellectual knowledge that sex can mean more than a few hours of entertainment, but, given the free-wheeling background I posit for him, I think it's rarely, if ever, been more than that for him. The crucible of his relationship with Zoe changes that in him, but it's certainly not going to happen instantaneously
( ... )
Comments 9
At first I just wanted you to porn Wash/Kaylee... But now I really just want you to porn Wash/James.
There's too much about this I could pick out. I love Zoe and Mal's "Hell yeah!" looks. And the Wash/Kaylee (porn them now?). Balloon condoms made me laugh but Zoe dissolving into giggles over it is even better.
Great fic!
And you did it so FAST! Thank you again for doing this!
And I'm glad you liked the little Zoe moments, both with Mal and with Wash. I'm so into her, and the dynamics she has with her men.
i strangely agree with thunder_nari... i really wouldn't mind reading some James/Wash pron now. xD
great story with a very interesting approach to the prompt! well done! (^-^)
Wonderfully written, thanks again. :)
Maybe I should have tried for something pre-W/Z. The interactions between Wash and Kaylee are some of my favorite scenes in Firefly. Like the whole finding and restoring the ambulance scenes in Ariel. But I wanted Wash to get into a little trouble with the Zoe-jealousy thing you mentioned, and I figured unless she felt she had some claim on him, she wouldn't act on any, um, irritation she might feel about Wash and Kaylee maybe fooling around.
I'm pleased you like the caper. It was fun to put together. I run a Serenity role playing game, and those are the kind of scenarios I like to throw at my players. They never run smooth for them either. :D
Thanks for the great prompt! I had a great time figuring out how to put all the elements together.
More wanting to hug. And a little bit to kiss.
“Well, I'm sure you did the best you could, little Kaylee,” Mal said encouragingly, then settled back in his chair, wrapping his head around the fact he was being rescued by his tech crew. Decided to relax and enjoy it.
Tech talk. Guh. GUH.
“Sure. No problem.” And Wash was talking in that creepifyin' calm, cool voice, the one that let you know that if even the tiniest little thing went wrong, you were a smear of organic molecules fizzling in the troposphere. “If you hit it at precisely the right angle.”
I adore that bit of characterization.
Ah, well. So much for the manly, hero-like points he might have gleaned with the whole stealing the skiff thing. “Balloons,” he affirmed. “We flew them around the room.” He waggled his hand, waving the wrapper, buzzing his lips with the “released balloon” flutter.Even though I really dig the idea of Wash/ ( ... )
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