(no spoilers, please)
We just finished the 1st 4 episodes of Season two of Lost, and disks 2&3 are were shipped today (Netflix) so we should be done soon, by which point spring cleaning will be desperately needed, due to the unprecedented neglect we've shown our apartment!
on lost addiction )
I'm just worried because "my pace" is so damn ravenous.
Have you been watching it on Wednesdays for Season 3, or did you start too late? We're going to wait for Season 3 on DVD.
*nod* Mine is too. I really like to immerse myself in worlds; I always have. It used to be almost exclusively books and book series, now it's a split between books and TV.
Oddly, TV has been partially responsible for the broadening of my reading tastes and political awareness. When I was younger, I read SF/F almost to the exclusion of anything else. Now interviews on the Daily Show result in books getting added to my list quite frequently. And my news reading helps give context to the humor on TDS and TCR.
What I really love about TV these days, though, and one of the reasons I'd never go back to not having a DVR, is that I'm not wasting hours watching "whatever is on". At least if I'm wasting time, I'm wasting it watching what I want to, and what interests and (maybe even) educates me.
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