It is possible that the US will be attacked in retaliation for taking out Usama bin Ladin. We have been attacked many times in the intervening years; none have been successful. There's a fair amount of luck in this, and it remains possible.
But the attempt will not be new.
Previous attempts have been downplayed -- like the jihadist who tried to take a backpack full of TATP and shrapnel into a stadium with 84,000 people. When he was turned away at the gate -- twice -- he was trying to reconfigure the bomb when it went off, killing him (literally blowing him to pieces).
He had much more explosives in his apartment, which he shared with students connected to the jihadist movement, at least one of whom had a one-way ticket out of the country.
How did Big Media describe this? BM called him "a troubled youth who took his own life."
Did you hear about this terrorist attack? It was October 1st, 2005.
Amusingly, the FBI found that he had "between two and three pounds of TATP" in his backpack (before it exploded) along with various shrapnel materials -- and that he had lots more TATP and materials to make more at his apartment. And that he'd set the bomb off, apparently accidentally, while working in the backpack on a bench in front of the stadium. (This was seen by a witness.)
So the FBI concluded that there was no evidence that this was a terrorist attack. None at all. Not "no compelling evidence" -- NO evidence.
I have to wonder what "evidence" would look like.
So what did the university students do with this fellow who tried to kill so many of them? (There were 84,501 people in the stadium at the time.)
They put up a memorial to him. ===|==============/ Level Head