Call for Readers: Must Like Cephalopods

Aug 29, 2009 01:48

I'm working on a novel again, as I suggested recently. It is a book length version of the short story posted recently -- and in fact, I've got five books planned out, with the following tentative titles:

Age of Octans
Octan War
Octans Above
Octan Engineers
Octan Origins

The short story " Senex" provided the guts of the first two chapters of Age of Octans. But I wouldn't bother going back to re-read that, because they're not precisely the same. Daq and Senex are still there, but Daq is younger and the story only starts from the same place. The short story " Reyto" is obliquely connected to Octan Origins. "Reyto" was set generations after "Senex," but I didn't really realize this until I started doing serious world-building.

It's sort of funny; I spent days thinking about characters and situations for Age of Octans as if I was required to come up with new ones to avoid a conflict. But that ultimately seemed silly; I own the short story, and I'm allowed to use it.

Daq is younger, Senex is much the same, but there is much else that happens here. And I am looking for beta readers. The story will be posted in the community

I'll leave the first three chapters open. Chapters 1 and 2 expand on material from the short story, but Chapter 3 is a new scene. If you join the
Octan_World community, you're signing up as a beta reader (which I appreciate!) and you'll have access to more of it as I write it. (I'm working on Chapter 7 at the moment, and have the synopsis and outline done for all 36 chapters.)

===|==============/ Level Head

writing, stories, octans

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