So this morning I woke up sad. I knew it wouldn't hit me until today. I know that I still have next year but its going to be so hard to compete with a year that included Check, Please and Guys and Dolls. Its so strange that we are going to be the seniors next year. Its so incredible when you think about how much of a family the drama kids are. I used to get sad when basketball season ended, but not like this.
Well that was sad.
Ok, moving on to happier things like... PICTURES!
But before that, a big thank you to everyone who came to see the show even if they left before saying "Hi" to me. coughNIDIAcough
David's beautiful set
Warm Ups. I don't miss these so much.
Me and Shawnna
Me and Dan
Me and David
The seniors
Travis, Will, and Ian
I love you. A bushel and a peck!
We took back our mink
Me and Amelie
Lucy in the sky with diamonds.
What made you think that I was one of those girls?
Cast Partyyy!
Caitlin who WOULDN'T dance. :O(
Me n Shawnnaaa
Unos. Nice hair, Court