Sep 11, 2007 15:12
okay, here's the funny thing. after all those emerging arts leadership hootenannies, I've decided that I'm done with being in charge for a while. I looked in the mirror and admitted that I don't have the stomach to take SOAP to the next level. Besides, I'd rather return my focus to being an unaccountable artist rather than keeper of the spreadsheet. that being said, I don't want SOAP to die, so I am now casting around for other people with a passion for the mission who might be interested in taking ownership. I've got a few people in line already, but I thought you might know other persons who might want to jump on this opportunity to do something special with SOAP. they would inherit a 4 year track record, a modest amount of local brand recognition and indie cred, a nice logo, a website with a relatively user-friendly content management system, 2 established fun parties a year, and a bank account that's not completely empty. I may or may not remain on the board (haven't decided yet), but my real goal is to put the fate of SOAP in the hands of awesome people who will take it in a new direction or expand our current operations (open-forum art parties), or otherwise use it for good and not evil.
Please feel free to send this along to anyone, you can put them in touch with me personally.