Feb 12, 2005 15:15
I finally picked up Radiohead's OK Computer cd at the exchange. I have no idea why I didn't own it already. I was thinking about stopping there in the car, and I thought to myself "OMG katie you don't own OK Computer. wtf is up with that?"
I really did think that. I'm not kidding.
I also got myself a yoga mat since everyone in class seems to be buying them and I feel left out. Now I can be a yogi at home, too. This excites me.
I heard not one, but TWO smashing pumpkins songs on the radio in a row, on two different stations as I was driving. Zero and 1979. This past week I also heard Fake Plastic Trees twice and Champagne Supernova. Go figure. The radio music stars are aligned in my favor. (This is not weird of me; these songs hardly ever get air time.)
I had lunch with Rach today which was entirely awesome. I haven't seen her in forever. I love you Rachael Sas!!!
I'm going to Kelly's birthday party today with our family, and I kinda can't wait cause I miss her a lot.
AND the snow is almost completely melted for the time being... i had to toss on the sunglasses and open the sunroof :)