Mar 18, 2005 00:40
saw Be Cool with Andrew tonight. I didn't know John Travolta had a clause in his contract that in EVERY movie he's in, he has to dance in at least one scene. hah faggot.
tonight brought back alotta memories, good and bad, but mostly good.
Rob is getting married, does this strike anyone as a little odd? Maybe it's just me. Good thing he blocked me on AIM, and i deleted him from my Myspace.
big plans for this girl, looks like I'm goin for it. far far away <----- that's what i need and will be.
i heart the Mars Volta.
Stalker guy came into work today, but didn't say anything to me. I think he finally got a clue.
I've drank too much caffeine to go to sleep, yet i work in the morning, mhm...not good. dammit.
Tomorrow- Jonny and Carls
Saturday- GR with Andy and Bear?? *crosses fingers*
next weekend- Dead to Fall at Jamestown? I'm thinking yes.
go write in REAL journal? I think yes.
Goodnight gorgeous.