p-p-part 10
today's best comics on the internet is
homestuck/mspaintadventures still technecally a comic, though done frame-by-frame and it has movies whatever
ok this, homestuck, is NOT light reading. it's not a gag-a-day pannel where a cast of static characters sits in a fucking coffee shop being indie and smarmy and shit. Homestucks got one fucker of a plot and with paradox clones and alterate timelines and lots of long long words, you'll really come to rely on the parts where the author recaps everything that's happened so far because chances are your head will be spinning. this is one of those tests to see if you're actually focusing when you're on the internet because if you're not you will give up on it in less than a chapter. homestuck is HUGE. act (act = chapter) five just started and it has been going for a year or something. but if you read it all it is worth it.
I'm usually not a great big fan of stories where the main characters are kids, because innocence and sunshine make me puke. the homestuck kids are real kids, the kind of annoying assholes you run into on the net every day. they're believeable. the plot is mindblowing and everytime i think I've started to figure out how things will go it throws me for another loop. the world is amazing, the humour is quirky, and I can't say how inspired I am each time I finish reading another update.
homestuck is NOT: a text-based choose-your-own adventure game. it appears that way at the start and if you think that's how it goes you will probably get confused and dissapointed rather quickly. I almost gave up on it at first, then skimming through it when shit started to get real, I was so surprised I had to go back to the beginning and start over.
as well as homestuck, mspaintadventures has other short stories, most unfinished crap from when it was a much younger site. there is ONE other story that is finished, problem sleuth. I prefer homestuck, it IS better all around but only because problem sleuth was there for Andrew (guy who makes homestuck) to practice with. For the most part, it has static images and can get quite tedious at all the weird puzzle shit, but it's funny and I managed to get through to the ending with far less pain than the impel down saga in one piece. (don't get me started)
but yeaws, homestuck. one large difference between it and problem sleuth is every now and then, as well as the animated gifs, there are LARGE flash videos. and several small flash mini-games. built into the story. the videos are usually reseved for end of acts, and quite a few files feature music custom-made for homestuck itself. I'll have to admit I wrote this whole wall-o-text with
homestuck vol5 playing in the background.