lets get this party started PART 2
todays best comic on the internets is
zebra girl this here comic is plot-based, so y'all better start back at page 1. currently running guest strips, zebra girl is another ancient webcomic, harking back from the far flung days of 2000. starting out as a rather cheery lighthearte story full of perverts bursting into fire and everyone going to have a nice laugh after, it quickly nosedives into a rather more srs plot. The pages are posted in a way that reminds you of continents shifting (slowly) but they do get there in the end, and it seems like he still plans to continue with the story. (idk if he has a planned official ending or not) Also sometime in 2007 he switched the size and styling of his pannels and now they are huge glorgeously shaded monsters of pencil. The story is about three people who found a magic book turned on of them into a deamon, and went on whackyterrifying and zanydepressing adventures full of laughtertears and learningviolence.All in all ten thumbs up would read again.