[ooc] Character Relations - Mayfield

Feb 03, 2015 03:13

baltic way



three nations fighting here for centuries

Estonia is not actually his brother and not even fully Baltic, instead being a strange hybrid of that and Nordic. Even so, though, Lithuania considers Estonia his brother, and worries about him as such. Their relations in modern times are much improved compared to the occasional antagonism and general "stranger country bordering Latvia", mostly as a result of learning to work together against Russia. Lithuania would protect Estonia is able to see more if the less formal Lithuania than a lot of people, and they've been known to trade snark back and forth (shut up, Estija).

international relations



dragged by the power of dreams; the power is yet unknown

America is from his time now! This makes Lithuania feel better. Anyway, Lithuania really likes America, considering him a very good friend. The optimistic, herocentric outlook, even if it doesn't always lead to the best decisions all the time, is something Lithuania enjoys in him. The short time he spent at America's house was a really nice reprieve from Europe's Europe-ness, and while he knows not everything America has done was perfect, he thinks America is always trying his best, and does genuinely believe in the causes he works for, so he is still very sympathetic.



I just want to live simple and free

Ah, Ukraine. They've been interacting for a long time, of course, even if some of that was Lithuania on his invade everything nearby spree and its various repercussions. Still, he considers her the calmest and most grounded of her siblings, and really thinks it's kind of amazing how nice she is, given... Russia. Still, he really isn't fond of getting her angry at him and dealing with that unless he has to (like if she thinks she is happily communist). Ukraine is one of the people in Mayfield Lithuania prefers to check in on during events, just to see if she's holding up alright.

Also, Ukraine is a really good weapon to use against Estonia when it comes to getting him outside.



you don't have to feel safe to feel unafraid

Lithuania has good relations with Hungary, thinking her a strong, kind person as well. He hasn't spoken to her much in Mayfield yet, and doesn't know when she's from.



someone humble like me can also sing cheerful songs

One of Japan's citizens helped Lithuania's in World War II, and they've never really had any reason to argue, so Lithuania likes Japan (though if Japan could remember his name...). He doesn't know Japan well, but it seems like he likes cute things? And cats.

the multiverse


Rose Tyler

and it's too late to turn this thing around

Lithuania's assigned wife in Mayfield; she seems like a nice, sensible woman, and Lithuania is hoping to get along with her. He still feels a bit bad that she's stuck being called Mrs. Laurinaitis, even though it's not as if he can do anything about it.



do you really wanna play?

Lithuania is incredibly protective of Lyra, having basically adopted her as a substitute citizen to take care of. He worries about her, since she seems the type to rush into things, but at least she has those Pokemon to watch out for her, too. He's hoping Mayfield doesn't hurt her too much, and he'll do what he can to soften or prevent the blows.


Madoka Kaname

now we're on the edge of hell

Lithuania's new not!daughter, she seems very sad and while he's not willing to directly pry, he is a bit worried about her. He's hoping this place won't totally break her or anything, she seemed so fragile when she woke up.


Koharu Izaki

I free her from the tower

Lithuania has grown very protective of Koharu, having all but adopted her officially as a citizen at this point. He's learned quite a bit about her life before Mayfield and if he could, he would take her back to Lithuania with him when everyone goes home. Lithuania would protect Koharu with his life. Having her living with Ukraine, where Russia is liekly to be often, worries him, but he's hoping Russia leaves her alone.


Sora Himoto

there's a new world to be won

Lithuania likes Sora. He thinks she's a bit oblivious and headstrong, but since her heart seems to be in the right place and since Koharu has so much faith in her, Lithuania doesn't have any problems with her. He thinks she's idealistic, but he doesn't want to attempt to crush any of that, since he likes the idealistic perspective on things, even if he's not entirely capable of it anymore. He'd be happy to give her some proper weapon lessons.



and what is peace without a blessed fight

A strange, serious girl who seems to act older than she looks. She made a really odd-looking snowman of something Lithuania assumes is from her world, though he's not sure what to think of it. Still, she's not unpleasant, though a bit pessimistic.


Heinz Doofenshmirtz

plastic tubes and pots and pans

Lithuania is optimistically unsure in this case. On the plus side, he has not yet been threatened to be baked into a pie, and probably the sanest of the coworkers he has had to deal with (this probably says a lot about his former coworkers). On the other hand, admitted evil scientist. But since it doesn't appear as if he wants to harm Lithuania, he is cautiously okay with this.


Nena Trinity

sometimes I'll have you know it's all insane

Lithuania has no idea. She attacked him in the park after he refused to apologize for her running into him, trying to bash his head into the fountain until he died. Then after they fought a bit she kissed him and parted ways without either one being dead.

He has no idea what to think.

mayfield, ooc information

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