Sep 19, 2009 15:02

[About 10am on Saturday; feel free to spectate if you're in the area ( Read more... )

liet the swordsman, lloyd (fixmyresolve), faito!, the quiet fighter

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fixmyresolve September 19 2009, 19:39:56 UTC

[It wasn't as if Liet had any reason to be nervous to begin with. His opponent ambled into the park, a sunny grin on his face. When he spotted Liet, he waved enthusiastically and picked up his pace a little more. Certainly the red-clad dual swordsman was having fun already, even though nothing had happened yet. With him as usual were the Vorpal Sword and Flamberge.]

Whew! That was a good run!
I'm totally ready for this, how about you?


letunityblossom September 19 2009, 19:46:34 UTC
[Lithuania took note of both the swords--using two was rare, but it didn't make him too worried, for some reason. Anyway, this was just for fun, so it wasn't like anyone was going to get seriously injured. He smiled.]

I am, whenever you want to start.


fixmyresolve September 20 2009, 03:15:24 UTC
[Lloyd smiled back, unsheathing the two blades and flowing somewhat naturally into a fighting stance. He didn't remember fighting anything, but somehow it felt pretty natural. Studying up on swordsmanship sure seemed to have helped, if only a little, although something felt just a little... off. Was he forgetting something? Well he had his weapons and his shoes were laced, what else could there be?]

Great! Let's do this!


letunityblossom September 20 2009, 03:47:51 UTC
[Liet can hear the cheering--oh, Ritsu--and he even sees Squalo, out of the corner of his eye. But that doesn't matter: his vision focuses as he unsheathes the sword, holding it in a fighting pose that's as natural as breathing.]

I wish you good luck.

[He smiles, bows--

and changes. He's serious, suddenly; it's as if Liet has left and some other person has arrived, confident and willing to fight.

He doesn't like waiting. He darts forward, to take the first move. He'll strike with the flat of the blade if it looks like he might hit skin, but for now the sword slices the air before him.]


fixmyresolve September 21 2009, 01:00:25 UTC
Hey man, than--!

[Well, Lloyd was about to do the same, except for Liet coming straight for him. Whoa! Talk about a sudden change in personality!

Lloyd's eyes widened as he jerked backwards instinctively to dodge the blow, bringing his right hand up to try to meet Liet's weapon with the Vorpal Sword. He could already tell, and should have guessed based on what Ritsu said - Liet was skilled.]


letunityblossom September 21 2009, 05:01:52 UTC
[Liet pulls the sword at the last minute, to lessen the shock of sword against sword on his arm. This is something he knows how to do, he realizes, and so he lets his instincts pull him along. He backs off, a quick step and then another to the side before he's striking again. If he can keep Lloyd on the defensive that's good.

Lloyd has two swords, though, so Liet has more than just the one before him to watch for.]


fixmyresolve September 22 2009, 00:17:54 UTC
[Lloyd wasn't quite expecting that, and it knocks him off balance. Too much weight in the front forces him to take a few steps forward to make up for it, which leaves him open for a minute. And now Liet's off to the side and striking at him again. Darn it! This guy's fast! It's too late to block the attack, so Lloyd just lets it hit and takes a swipe at Liet with his other arm.

Lloyd's too close. He knows he needs to back off or else he's going to be stuck on the defensive, and that's not his style, nor does he think it'll be easy.]


letunityblossom September 24 2009, 01:39:23 UTC
[Liet sees the other sword, and his free arm comes up automatically to take the blow while he strikes again--it's acceptable in a spar, he decides, since the blows aren't as hard. He's trying to stay close, trying to keep Lloyd on his toes and exhaust him quicker.]


fixmyresolve September 25 2009, 03:08:05 UTC
[This isn't going well. Lloyd's running out of ideas. Even when he tries to pick up speed, Liet's right there countering and returning his attacks. No wonder Ritsu was so impressed by this guy! There was some stuff Lloyd wanted to try out, though. He wasn't sure it'd do any good, but maybe he could knock Liet away enough to put some distance between them.

Lloyd concentrated, pushing his mana out through the tip of his sword as he charged forwards. The mana should keep the blade from doing any real damage to Liet. The only problem was, the mana didn't seem to collect properly, and as a result, the arte had only a fraction of the strength Lloyd thought it should.]

Sonic Thrust!

...wait, no. I don't think I did that right... Dammit...!

[Confused Lloyd looks very confused... and is a bit distracted.]


/DRAGS SELF OUT OF PIT letunityblossom October 21 2009, 09:59:43 UTC
[Liet wasn't expecting--whatever that was, and felt his heels digging into dirt as he was pushed back by something Lloyd had done with his sword. He blinked and pulled into a defensive stance, but after realizing that the boy doesn't seem to know what he's done either, Liet charges again, sword striking sideways, flat just in case.

He'll have to ask Lloyd about that after the match.]



*drags self out of a hole somewhere else* fixmyresolve October 23 2009, 04:10:38 UTC

[Lloyd brings his swords up to block but is forced backwards onto the ground, landing on his rear. It will take him some time to recover.]


/throws hole party letunityblossom October 29 2009, 12:33:34 UTC
[Liet pushes forward instantly, bringing a foot to Lloyd's chest to pin it, and, if he is successful, the point of his sword to perhaps an inch from his sparring partner's neck.]


/hole party ^9000 fixmyresolve November 28 2009, 21:38:36 UTC
[Lloyd is panting heavily, Liet's sword only a breath away from his throat.]


I give.


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