dvidešimt du

Dec 17, 2011 00:34

[When Lithuania wakes up, he has to scrub his eyes. It isn't often he has dreams that bad or that vivid, but he doesn't think anything of it, walking around the quiet house, until he hears the television, and hears his name. Was that really-- But he's not gone, that's obvious enough. A mistake?]

A; phone (or action for 1333 Benny Road)
U-um, I'm still here, actually...

[Lithuania's tone is incredibly subdued. He's just not feeling up to much of anything right now.]

B; around Mayfield
[He's not entirely sure he actually has to go to work, if he's "not here". More importantly, there are more supplies in the store, so he should at least see to it that his house is stocked properly. He'll be out in the stores today. Of course, this just means a creepy doppleganger is taking supplies you could use, right?]

(OOC: Lithuania's disappeared, so respond to him as if he were a doppleganger!)

event, melancholy lithuania, awkward, disappearing people?, worry always, event: every time a bell rings, not not lithuania, giving himself stomachaches, why me

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