septyniolika; phone/action

Sep 20, 2011 18:25

A; phone; filtered to Estonia
Don't you read books about this sort of thing?

B; phone
H-has anyone seen Madoka Kaname, Lyra, or Fluttershy? I said to stay inside...

C; around town
[Lithuania is out looking for his aforementioned not!daughters, having found them distressingly MIA. In particular he's checking the park and the school--Lyra often ( Read more... )

rescue the people, weird stuff happens while i'm at work, notchildren why, this game is crazy, zombies, worry always, no one ever listens to him, why me

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A webfreedomftw September 20 2011, 22:34:18 UTC
Of course I do. [Unphased by your 'wow you're a geek' insinuations. Try harder, bro.]

Stay inside, watch your weak points of entry, don't let them bite you, and don't forget the doubletap. Although, if you have your sword, clean decapitation should theoretically work just as well.


letunityblossom September 20 2011, 23:02:15 UTC
[Well at least it's useful now.

There is some shuffling, he's obviously moving around gathering things while he speaks.]

What if you're going outside?


webfreedomftw September 20 2011, 23:09:01 UTC
Then you're an idiot.

But I guess I knew that already, so just don't get bitten, and if you decide to drop in for whatever reason, do it before you want my brains for literal digestion.


letunityblossom September 20 2011, 23:14:02 UTC
The girls aren't here. Miss Fluttershy isn't either.

[Therefore there is no question, he is going looking for them.]

I won't get bitten, don't worry.

[Not only is Lithuania telling someone else not to worry ironic, he pretty much only does it when there is good cause for worrying.]


webfreedomftw September 20 2011, 23:36:08 UTC
Just because you said that, now you will, ääliö. [Estonia sighs. He knows how this works. Apocalypses + Baltic Luck = Very Bad Idea.]

Do you want backup?


1/2 letunityblossom September 20 2011, 23:41:49 UTC
You should stay inside. I--

[There is some muffled talking, obviously to someone else in the house. But then there is the squeak of a chair and the phone is slammed on the receiver.]


2/2 letunityblossom September 20 2011, 23:42:36 UTC
[Calling Estonia back a bit later.]

...D-did you know zombies could act like they did when they were normal?


webfreedomftw September 20 2011, 23:51:19 UTC
[Staring at the clock, Estonia was giving him another five minutes before he called, just to be sure if he was zombified yet or not. That doesn't mean there's not immediately a weird silence when Lithuania announces that, though.]

... No, but I think that means we're screwed. Is it one of the girls?


letunityblossom September 21 2011, 00:00:22 UTC
Miss Fluttershy--the pony. I-I guess this means there are zombies with s-super powers around too... I wasn't bitten or anything, but she tried to, like it changed her thoughts so she thought that was o-okay.

[Why his life.]

...Estija, stay inside, okay? I'm not going to stop at your house, s-so... So if I do shoot me.


webfreedomftw September 21 2011, 00:24:45 UTC
Zombie ponies? That's just wrong. Gosh.

I mean, uh... be careful.


letunityblossom September 21 2011, 00:31:51 UTC
You too.

Oh, remember you have to go to school once every three days.

[Fuss fuss fuss.]


webfreedomftw September 21 2011, 01:31:35 UTC
I'll remember. And don't worry, mom, I won't let the other kids eat my brains.


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