vienuolika; action

Jun 06, 2011 21:26

A; outside 1333 Benny Road
[Lithuania makes a habit of checking the mail before work, so when it arrives he's already dressed to leave, flipping through letters while he finishes eating a bagel. The letter addressed to him doesn't bring any immediate worries--you get things back after events, right? Though he's not sure what could show up in an ( Read more... )

regain, melancholy lithuania, precision karma laser, why me, scars

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A flameyedhunter June 7 2011, 03:35:54 UTC
[A familiar girl in an unfamiliar black cloak watches Lithuania from across the street, as he balances against the mailbox, obviously in pain.]


letunityblossom June 7 2011, 03:36:58 UTC
[It's only once the pain fades a bit that he feels like he's being watched, and turns in time for another scar to reappear and make him cling to the mailbox again. Really, this isn't fair.]



flameyedhunter June 7 2011, 04:47:51 UTC
[Shana will cross to him, and offer a shoulder wordlessly, trying to hold him up.]


letunityblossom June 7 2011, 04:50:03 UTC
[Lithuania needs that shoulder more than he's willing to admit, flushing with embarrassment even as more pain arches through his spine.]

I-I'll be fine, Miss Shana.

[This is possibly the least convincing thing he's said ever.]


flameyedhunter June 7 2011, 04:51:38 UTC
Shut up and let me carry you. We should get you to your house. [She'll help him get that way, trying to put him on a sofa if she can.]


letunityblossom June 7 2011, 04:53:18 UTC
Ah-- [Well, alright then. He's pretty grateful to sit down on said sofa once he gets there, though he's still trying to pretend he's not in pain at all.]

It's just something I got back, so it'll go away on its own eventually...


flameyedhunter June 7 2011, 23:24:36 UTC
Baka... [She says quietly, and will drag over a chair to sit by him.]

I don't understand. Why would you get back pain?


letunityblossom June 8 2011, 00:09:23 UTC
[Lithuania shrugs, stiffly, and also not very believably.]

It's not really--

[Yelping, dammit, those two really hurt.]


flameyedhunter June 8 2011, 00:38:12 UTC
Mou just lie there. I'll...

[Shana has no real concept of first aid, given flame haze recovery rates.]

I'll bring you some ice or something.


letunityblossom June 8 2011, 00:39:47 UTC
You don't have to go out of your way. [Still, he's not going to be moving anywhere.]


flameyedhunter June 8 2011, 01:35:05 UTC
It's not that big a deal. Now just lie down and I'll get some ice.

[She does so. And a towel. Clearly not knowing what to do with them, she just sort of drops them on Toris and hopes this will fix the problem.]


letunityblossom June 8 2011, 08:28:07 UTC
[He appreciates the effort, really, and sits up as he adjusts the ice. She may catch a glimpse of particularly raw-looking scars on his back, but he covers them with his shirt again as quickly as he can manage.]


flameyedhunter June 9 2011, 01:19:21 UTC
[Shana frowns when she sees him.]

You've really been badly hurt before, haven't you?


I wasn't even logged into that account.... letunityblossom June 9 2011, 13:05:44 UTC
Ah--well, I'm a nation. It happens over time.


Re: I wasn't even logged into that account.... flameyedhunter June 10 2011, 03:39:08 UTC
That's just weird...

[She looks over Toris worriedly.]

Should I get a doctor?


letunityblossom June 10 2011, 06:30:04 UTC
No, really, they're all old wounds.


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