penki; action

Mar 01, 2011 13:01

[Lithuania had received his sword just a little after Valentine's Day. And it was definitely his, a bit worn and old, but the same grip he remembered from when it was in use long ago. It's not quite a gun--though he did buy one of those recently--but there's something comforting about it anyway. Swords don't run out of ammunition. So he figures a bit of practice wouldn't hurt, and went to the park where he could get some space.

He never really got out of practice. Swords were something he'd worked with long enough in his formative years that the idea of stopping hadn't ever quite gotten to him, and his movements are natural, sliding from one to the next against imagined foes. He strikes as if they were really there, letting himself get used to the weight and swing again. The differences between his human body and nation body were subtle, but even the subtleties mattered to him with this sort of thing.

He's not looking his usual gentle, somewhat occasionally scattered self, either. His face is just this side of looking angry, his movements precise. He's not sure how long he's been practicing but it's been long enough that his thoughts are entirely focused on his task, and not the fact that he might look a bit too serious for something that's just practice.

He slices a few branches off an unfortunate tree for lack of anything else to aim for.]

regain, knight, liet the swordsman, srs liet, the quiet fighter

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