I watch a show called A Haunting and they once had a 2 hour special called A Haunting in Connecticut where the family moves into a house that used to be a funeral home. So imagine my surprise when I saw on ontd that they are making a movie based on that episode. Here's the trailer:
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And for those interested here is the A Haunting episode that movie is based on. I'm posting the link and not embedding it so you guys can go to youtube and get the other parts off the 'related videos' section...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdKSokL5Abk I think the show's version will probably be better idk but I still say they should have done A Haunting in Georgia instead. That one was a better story and very creepy. Here's the link for that episode:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS0IfmeV5FM Speaking of videos, Legally Brown: The Search For The Next Piragua Guy, has ended. :( Up until now my favorite episode had been the Cheyanne one and Allison one but the finale is my new favorite lol
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I had loads more stuff to say but I need to be up in 4 hours to shower and go with my sister for her ultrasound. Finally going to get to see if she is having a boy or girl. But in reality we already know it's a boy because the Chinese Calender said so. Plus as much as I love my Illy, we seriously don't need another girl here, one Iliana is more than enough. Speaking of which they both went to homecoming this past Saturday...
Click on the thumbnail for the bigger picture, here's Illy with Nino's neck still stuck...
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And here she is decked out in pure Hannah Montana gear from her sparkly scarf in her hair to the sparkly dress and sparkly shoes. That Miley is EVERYWHERE. And there's my poor Puppy or as my brother calls him Pet Cemetery. Don't be scared he is just VERY old and sickly.
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And just cause I need this prettiness everyday once in a while...