Word count: 35,174
The best thing about today is that 35,174 makes the remaining 14,826 look more manageable. The worst thing about today is its 1,081 words.
There are five days left in
National Novel Writing Month. I believe I can write 14,826 more words. The dilemma of not-enough-story has long-evaporated. Too-much-story, and too-little-time have long replaced it. Today, for once, my biggest challenge wasn't writing a bunch of words. It was unplanning a bunch of unwritten words. Scattered across my five-page outline, there are whole sections of demolished sets and unemployed actors. They will not go in the trash. For now, though, into the Great Recycling Bin they go.
There are sentences and paragraphs in chapters
Sixteen and Seventeen that I have already recognized may not belong in the book. I have italicized several of those passages for my Inner Editor to deal with later.
Word-count wise, it's uncomfortable to wrap up the evening with barely 1,000 words. But it must be done, I have to sleep, or else tomorrow will not be any easier.