(no subject)

Mar 12, 2008 08:41

Okay, the past couple of days have been most spectacular. I realise I've left a few people in the dark about what REALLY goes on in my Canadian life, so here it goes, a full-detailed description of the past three days.

Day One (Monday):
After a hustling and bustling day at work selling t-shirts in the retail giftshop (located upstairs from the retail store and by myself) I took advantage of the weekly staff grocery trip to Banff and bought my beloved Stepchild snowboard. I didn't get enough time to thoroughly search for bindings, so I stressed on the bus and went into Safeway instead. Luckily enough, Charisse, Megan and I went out for dinner and had delicious Japanese so my stomach was so full that I had no desire to buy any bad foods. We went home at 10pm and I cried over the extra empty bed in my room. Turns out they won't be filling it anytime soon.

Day Two (Tuesday/Yesterday):
I had the usual shift at work in the retail store, that is the cliche 9-5 shift, then I went into Banff without telling any of my housemates so I could buy some bindings for my board. Turns out I knew pretty much what all the stores had except for this one shop that I love going into (mostly because the guys are awesome) and looked at some Salomon bindings for roughly $200. I said I'd think about it over dinner, but on the way to food I ran into Joe who was on his way back from Revelstoke, so I had someone to waste time with until 9pm. I went back and bought the bindings, I asked the guy if he could give me a sweet deal and I got them for $130 (woo!). After Joe went grocery shopping we took the bus home and he put my bindings on my board for me. I then had to go up to Jamie's house (a co-worker) and check out her boots that are too small for her, but amazingly enough she was coming down just as I was leaving my place. So she checked out my board and new bindings and the boots fit perfectly. That was pretty much the end of the excitement for the night, I had to go to bed early to wake up early.

Day Three (Wednesday/TODAY! YAY!):
Today was AMAZING. I woke up at around 7ish and went to the gym for a 45 minute workout followed by a milo breakfast and then an early start on my boarding. I did all my favourite runs and got a feel for the board, like they said in the shop, it's definitely a fun board to be on. I only stacked a couple of times, but nothing serious. I boarded alone for the entire day, but I think I needed the alone-time to build confidence. My day actually finished a bit earlier than anticipated and I took the 3:10pm shuttle home from the hill. I did about 4 easy runs to end the day and my housemate Alex, who's a snowboard instructor, had me take up 2 of his kids (or as he likes to call them, his "minions") on the lift and I actually went down twice before they were back at the bottom of the lift again, they were fairly small children though. I ended up matching their one run with my two runs, so I took them up a second time. Well, kids aside I'm back at home once more. Tonight we have a staff party for our whole department (rentals, repairs and retail) and we're going curling in Banff... I'm still not entirely sure what curling is, although I've seen it on tv a few times. From what I've gathered it looks like lawn bowls on ice. Totally revved for THAT one. There's a bar though, so it'll be more like drunk-kids-attempting-ice-lawn-bowls. Better drunk than never I suppose.

Well now, THAT'S what I call a detailed update. No more of these paragraph pieces. Keep in touch kids!

Peace ooouuutttt.
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