Jan 20, 2006 11:21

Yesterday, 2 of the SHAC 7-Kevin and Josh-spoke at my school about their indictments as terrorists under the Animal Enterprise Protection Act and the broader implications this prosecution could have on everyone's free speech in this country.

For those of you who aren't familiar with SHAC, it stands for Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, a group that spans 18 countries with the sole objective to shut down one of the most notorious vivisection lab in the world (a lab with location in New Jersey and the U.K.). 6 members of SHAC and SHAC itself are being prosecuted what essentially amounts to free speech. They are not being charged with a single act of physical violence (not even property destruction or trespass!) They are being charged as terrorists for maintaining a website that reported on SHAC activities, for making public speeches and writing articles. Why you ask? Because that speech interferred with an animal enterprise (a testing lab).

Even if you do not care about the rights of non-human animals, you should care about this case because of what it means for free speech generally. The government is testing out this type of law on animal rights activists in this case, but if it works they'll being coming for all activists. Very possibly, a law could be passed protecting tobacco, oil and gas, the pharmaceutical industry (which is also covered by AEPA), ANYTHING!

What can you do? Support the SHAC 7, this doesn't mean only by senidng donations (although that is very neccesary so they can pay for lawyers and all the expenses associated with complex federal litigation, so they can WIN!) You can also learn all about this case and tell other people about it. Speak out every chance you get about this, flyer, hold debates, just talk to people about it over dinner...whatever! If you're on the East Coast or want an excuse to go there, the first day of the trial is Monday Febuary 6th in Trenton, New Jersey. SHAC is asking for a huge turnout of people, especially on the first day, to support them outside the courthouse and inside in the galley.

Find out more at:
Here you can also find the place to send donations, print literature etc.
Also, listen to an interview with Josh on Vegan Freak radio, here:
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