May 30, 2007 11:28
So Ya... today has been interesting... it started with my dropping my coffee on the bus (the coffee didnt spill, but i made a loud crash... and then i left my freakin' thermos in the classroom... i'll check and see if it's there when i got to work because i work in the building next to the classroom... but eww, what if someone stole it... :( i need coffeee in the morning and i can't afford to buy every day...
So well ya... I was suppoed to be doing krishna lunch today with a friend of mine, but of course she cancels with me because she didnt finish her homework or something... um if you make plans, don't you usually make sure you don't cancel... i feel like a lot of friends do that to me, ya know make plans, but then cancel because they didn't get their work done because there were too lazy to do it... now in some cases its ok... like my friend erica is an architech major, so she has tons of work, and when she makes plans, but then for somereason can't make them because she didnt get her work done because she was at home taking a nap or just relazing, its okay because she never has time to do that... but this girl that canceled oin me today... she totally has all the time in the world, but w/e i think she just likes to walk all over me... oh well... karmas a bitch... even though i don't really believe in karma...
Well... i'm just gonna go have krishna by myself... which is cool because ya know its good food... but i was looking forward to seeing julie cause i havent in a while... but obviously i'm the only one that seems to care... hmm oh well...
eww on her...