Dec 23, 2009 10:06
Well here we are again, home from a much needed vacation. It was nice, I mean who doesn't enjoy 75 degree weather in the dead of winter? I think I will focus this particular entry on my happy adventures, not so much the bad things. first of all, I loved seeing my sister. 8 months and I finally got to see her again, whootness. Lots of hanging out to be had. Better yet, I saw my dad, who indulged us and cooked wonderful food for me to eat. I do so love leftovers as well. Hahahah I can't wait until my remote control helicopter ets here from Florida; Dad, Val, and I, all have indoor helicopters and had heli-wars!!! Hilarious stuff. There was also a semi successful outing with my grandparents. Dick and Judy. We went boating! I love going out with Grandpa, he has such simple things that he enjoys and thats what my vacations are about simple relaxation. So he took us water skiing. Well sort of. Val was going to water ski, but couldn't gather the zen/balance required to do so. She kind of floundered in the water a bit, so I had to get in and help. Somehow between me helping her and getting in the water, my phone found its way to the bottom of the gulf, keeping the fishies company. Soooooo, no phone as of now. That's cool though, grandpa felt bad and gave me a razor... hope it transfers properly. So anyway, about the water skiing. The wonderful water out there wasn't so bad once I was in, so I decided to go knee boarding, which is funky, and I wound up instead of using knees, getting on my belly. Next year I might try my knees. So it was fun. Shopping with Judy was cool, I have some nice new shirts, and a nice new pair of dress pants. Also I have acquired a whole hell of a lot of new underwear. Weird thing I know, but Val has a thing for underwear and wanted me to go alone with her to Walmart to look at underwear and she wound up buying me close to 7 pairs. Oh well, its nice to have new clothing. I saw Jan a couple times, but I said we were sticking to good news, so I won't be talking about those experiences. But yeah, it was a good time, and as a going away present along with a butt load of money, my dad sent me away with the new RE game, Darkside Chronicles. VERY COOL! I haven't played it yet, as I scream like a 4 year old from seeing zombies swoop out of nowhere. Ask Sunflower bunny, the risky business hunter had me leap from the couch into his lap and shake for about a full minute. Funny stuff.
So that was my vacation, hanging out with rent, grandparents, and sister, relaxation. I'll divulge more info later on certain things, but for now I'm keeping it short and simple. So today, I am going to get the makings for my dish for Christmas dinner at Nicky's. Lets hope I'm as good at making it as my sister.