Apr 14, 2004 10:30
oh my gosh..i've been studying for the wrong exam! i'm so scared for psych now...i've got 27 hours to right that wrong....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
later this same day:
i'v been studying well since rudely awoken this morning at 8 30 by my brother whose ride to school failed him. I've slept a total of 3.5 hours. I find out that i've been studying for the WRONG exam...how do you even do that (clearly i don't belong in post secondary)?!??!?! the studying was productive ALL day UNTIL "they" start returning home. First Jake decides that it would be a good idea to watch TV in the family room while i'm studying at the Kitchen Table (no walls separate)..all my stuff is there and yet, Jake turns up the TV. This would be normal if there was NO other TV in the house but, realistically he has the BEST one in the ENTIRE house...and what does he do, FALL ASLEEP....gaaa...so I move to my room in search of quietness. and that's fine until dinner. I make dinner for everyone (tomatoe soup..hard work..hehe) and no one wants it...so i'm a little bit pissed at this point. The table gets knocked, no one will admit who did it..but someone did (hem my father, i'm almost positive and even if not, he could still clean?!?!) and the peper falls ALL OVER the floor. the phone rings, he answers it and then goes and watches TV. I loudly note that I have an exam TOMORROW, and he says "good luck, i know you can do it." and continues watching TV. So, i decide to clean up the peper as quick as possible...i'm almost done and he remarks that "your going to have to use the vaccuum for that." (why don't you get out of your chair and do it...but i say nothing) i continue cleaning it up MY way (which worked fine) and storm off to my room. 5 minutes later my dad knocks at the door. "Emily, your going to have to clean your bathroom, i'm going to fix the celing." The celing has been broken for about mmmm AS LONG AS I CAN REMEMBER. and he chooses to do it now. I get the clothes off the floor transport them to my bedroom floor. He says, "well that wasn't very good cleaning" i shut the bedroom door with out a word (although i have many of them swimming around in my head) and he starts his work on the bathroom...bang bang, clash clash...I guess my quietness here was short lived... My house is fairly big and yet there is now NO WHERE that i can have silence. NO WHERE. I'm pretty sure i'm about to snap, my suggestion would be to avoid me at all costs because i wouldn't want to be in my presence when it happens. Well here I am procrastinating, yep isn't that productive?
I am [not so] slowly going crazy,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, switch...