Apr 22, 2003 19:20
So the mid term marks went in today...isn't that scary?!?!?!?....very very scary...
I find it amusing that one of my teachers (Mr. Flummerfelt) hasn't returned ANY of our work and has given us absolutely no idication as to what our marks are.....kinda leaves an uneasy feeling...I actually have no idea at all as to how i'm doing, and I know i need this mark...
All this talk of early acceptance has started to scare me as well..My marks aren't bad (well discluding last semsester..hehe)...ahhh school...so stressful..i didn't realize how much all of this was actually stressing me out until tonight when i just completely freaked on my parents...it wasn't pretty....but i'm calm now....almost....
i'm so stupid..i applied to fanshawe, which is now where i want to go, but, i applied to classes that now i have ZERO interest in.....stupid choices....why was i such a big geek.....gaaaaa
I look back now and i've started asking myself those dreaded "what if's" what if i only tried harder, what if i did my homework, what if i applied to this school.....stupid stupid stupid....
Well in embarassing news (this proving that i'm a super geek)...I was at goodlife on the walking machine (tredmill....ya i can't spell...i need help)....and i stepped on my pants and had a rather embarassing fall, actually more almost fall and messy recovery......yep...then i somehow got my hair stuck in some other machine...it just wasn't my day....and yes, people were snickering..i could hear them...gaaaaa....
School was fun today.......more the mall was fun....Me and Carla do the most random things during school...lets see, wow, i'm bored lets go and get a tattoo, or hmmm lets go tanning, lets go and fly a kite (although we never did find/make a kite...boo hoo...) but we did go on swings, shopping, anything....so long as it's not school!!
New topic...Grad, whose going?!?! anyone?!?! No, that's good!! hehe
I had a dream about grad day...i fell on the stage....and lets be serious, it's not too hard to believe is it?!?!
i'm going to go and do something productive....(i just say that to make myself feel better....i'll probably fall asleep before anything productive occurs)