August Update

Aug 15, 2008 09:51

Current time: about 10:00 am
Current place: Work
Current mood: frustrated/bummed

General: I'm steadily moving forward with one conscious step in front of the other. It's slow going, but it's going.

Basics: work. tv. food. kickball.

Work: It's going well. I really like the people that I work with and I'm slowly getting the hang of the job. Attention to detail is important. I dress up for work each day; it's kind of nice. It's a nice change of pace. I am frustrated with DePaul though because I am still having trouble getting everything set up. The latest: pay. PAY ME! I need it.

School: I'm just about done with my application. I can't wait to start. I go on the website and review the classes every couple of days. I'm really excited. I don't know what to choose for a major; I'm more focused on the minors.

Family: My dad is doing much better. Sister is in France with DePaul. I'm am completely jealous, and I miss her. While I was living at home, Aleene and I had a fun time playing sports during the day. My favorite was tennis.

Social: Monday night kickball! Jmook & the Huber crew. I'm going to miss Michael when he leaves for law school.

Romantic: I've decided to put romantic endeavors on the back burner right now. I've got things coming up that are going to need my full attention.

Book: rereading One Hundred Years...

Music: Trying to rehash old albums. Right now is Bright Eyes: Lifted...

Random: I miss kt. It's kind of strange not being able to call her up and talk with her. I'm looking forward to hearing about her adventures. I really dislike what's going on with my hair right now. It's in that phase where it doesn't grow. It's terrible. I don't know how many more PB&Js I can handle. I really love my apt. I think I'm going to stick with it for a couple of years. I signed up with, which is a giant site of different volunteer opportunites. I've got some dates planned out with them. If you're interested, you should go and sign up!
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